Page name: Chain Gang of Elfpack [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-21 18:17:29
Last author: Dirtydawg™
Owner: Dirtydawg™
# of watchers: 10
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Chain Gang of Elfpack

John Felix Anthony Cena
DOB: April 23, 1977


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R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero

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2005-07-13 [poop12452]: he needs 2 stay on smackdown where we can't see him

2005-07-13 [AGothicRomance]: XD that was a goodone

2005-07-13 [poop12452]: he's just like Hassan nedds 2 stay on smackdown so theycan't be heard or seen

2005-07-13 [AGothicRomance]: haha word

2005-07-13 [poop12452]: It was his fault that him and Y2J lost cause is was his feet that kicked Y2J in the face

2005-07-13 [AGothicRomance]: O_o anyone else notice none of the images on this wiki work?

2005-07-13 [poop12452]: yes

2005-07-13 [AGothicRomance]: that sucks alot

2005-07-13 [AGothicRomance]: What?

2005-07-13 [AGothicRomance]: OMFG

2005-07-13 [AGothicRomance]: Why do you say that?!

2005-07-13 [AGothicRomance]: Good point...

2005-07-13 [AGothicRomance]: Nu uh! keep christian there

2005-07-13 [AGothicRomance]: nu uh

2005-07-14 [AGothicRomance]: crazay

2005-07-14 [Dirtydawg™]: Christan sucks...get over it

2005-07-14 [AGothicRomance]: HAHA

2005-07-15 [Dirtydawg™]: yea he dose

2005-07-15 [AGothicRomance]: He doesnt no wait...yes he sucks

2005-07-15 [AGothicRomance]: he cheated

2005-07-15 [AGothicRomance]: That one time...with his leg

2005-07-16 [AGothicRomance]: Are you sure?

2005-07-16 [tears of blood]: ooooh u fucker dont fuck with cena to me christian can suck cock for a living before he beats cena!!

2005-07-16 [AGothicRomance]: XD

2005-07-18 [Dirtydawg™]: [The Reject]'s messaes will be deleted for now, for he dissed on Cena. (00:43:40 [The Reject]: Christian is way fuckin better than Cena so Cena is the cock sucker)

2005-07-19 [Dirtydawg™]: [The Reject] ask me y dont i delete others for dissing on Christan, well thats E-Z... this is a Chain Gang Wiki, not a Capitan "cock sucker" Cerizma wiki. and since your not part of the Chain Gang.... "You can't see me" take an F-U for you and Christian and leave

2005-07-19 [AGothicRomance]: XD

2005-07-20 [AGothicRomance]: whatever

2005-08-05 [$$$ THUG.]: cena is fuckin hot ! =)

2005-08-05 [$$$ THUG.]: haha cena is not a cock sucker .. but i would like to suck his cock .. lmao*

2005-08-05 [AGothicRomance]: HAHAHAHAH omfg so would i *high five*

2005-08-05 [tears of blood]: join the club

2005-08-06 [AGothicRomance]: WHOOOOOO

2005-08-06 [tears of blood]: ur weird

2005-08-06 [AGothicRomance]: So are you but i <3 you

2005-08-08 [tears of blood]: i know but i like being weird!!!

2005-08-08 [AGothicRomance]: ok

2005-08-08 [The Reject]: dude i ain't gonna say anything else bout Cena ok

2005-08-08 [tears of blood]: ok good

2005-08-08 [The Reject]: but do any of ya'll like Muhammad Hassan jw?

2005-08-08 [tears of blood]: hell ya he rox

2005-08-08 [The Reject]: i might b makin a wiki dedicated 2 him

2005-08-08 [tears of blood]: ill join if u do

2005-08-08 [tears of blood]: do u like batista or carlito?

2005-08-08 [The Reject]: i made it it is called Muhammad Hassan but there ain

2005-08-08 [The Reject]: 't a memeber section yet and i like Carlito

2005-08-08 [tears of blood]: want to join the wiki i made for him?

2005-08-08 [The Reject]: wat is it called?

2005-08-08 [tears of blood]: carlito lovers united

2005-08-08 [The Reject]: ok i will go check it out

2005-08-08 [tears of blood]: ok so can u put a pic in it of carlito i dont knoww how to do those things???

2005-08-08 [The Reject]: yea i will go and gets some pics 4 u

2005-08-08 [tears of blood]: YAY

2005-08-08 [The Reject]: lol

2005-08-08 [tears of blood]: im hiper today!

2005-08-08 [The Reject]: dat's cool

2005-08-08 [tears of blood]: dat's cool

2005-08-08 [The Reject]: yea i know

2005-08-08 [tears of blood]: i know

2005-08-08 [The Reject]: so wat r u doin?

2005-08-08 [tears of blood]: thinking of what could all go on tonight on Raw

2005-08-08 [The Reject]: yea i think Matt is gonna kick edge's ass 2night

2005-08-08 [tears of blood]: totally

2005-08-09 [The Reject]: he did

2005-08-09 [tears of blood]: he totally kicked ass tonight

2005-08-09 [The Reject]: yes he did

2005-08-09 [tears of blood]: it rocked and i hope someone comes to is aid next week at that handi capped match

2005-08-09 [The Reject]: cool

2005-08-09 [tears of blood]: sure hey go see  [wwesuperstar] he claims to be John Cena

2005-08-09 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: It's not him, for one John Cena can spell and Two, John Cena isn't married, he doesnt even have a girlfriend (real one girls lol) He's to busy concentration on his jobs.

2005-08-09 [AGothicRomance]: he has a gf in his new video but why would be on here newayz

2005-08-09 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: everyone has a girlfriend in their music videos lol. He said hes to tied done with wrestling and his music carrior (sorry I'm a bad spell)

2005-08-09 [tears of blood]: i know like hello look at his wrestling skills he has to like be tooo busy working out and practicing!!!

2005-08-09 [AGothicRomance]: but he said "my girlfriend" n pointed at this one chick who hugged him

2005-08-10 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: dude every guy has a girlfriend in his music video

2005-08-10 [AGothicRomance]: but but...

2005-08-10 [tears of blood]: on 5 questions with the champ he said hes single

2005-08-10 [AGothicRomance]: o

2005-08-11 [The Reject]: lol

2005-08-11 [tears of blood]: ya

2005-08-14 [AGothicRomance]: ya ya

2005-08-15 [tears of blood]: ya sry to tell you the good news

2005-08-16 [AGothicRomance]: eh eh eh

2005-09-13 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: Eric is such an asshole!!!! Putting John Cena in matches like the one tonight. OMG my poor Johnny!!!!

2005-09-13 [Dirtydawg™]: he dose win

2005-09-14 [The Reject]: Angle and Tomko should have won

2005-09-14 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: Do you alwayz go for the heel people?

2005-09-15 [The Reject]: yea mostly it depends if they r cool or not lol

2005-09-15 [tears of blood]: angle and tomko can kiss my ass and bend over in prison they are fucken bitches

2005-09-15 [The Reject]: they r cool

2005-09-15 [tears of blood]: i like tomko a lil but god i LOVE John Cena to bits

2005-09-16 [The Reject]: tomko rules!!!

2005-09-16 [tears of blood]: no cena RULES

2005-09-17 [The Reject]: Tomko

2005-09-17 [tears of blood]: w/e Cena beat tomko easily bitch !!!!!!!! HA HA

2005-09-17 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: DAMN RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-09-17 [tears of blood]: hell ya

2005-09-17 [The Reject]: w/e Tomko Rulez!!!

2005-09-18 [tears of blood]: no way Cena ROX ROX ROX ur mamma's sox

2005-09-18 [The Reject]: um how bout no

2005-09-19 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: HE'S STILL THE CHAMP YAY!!!! Eric got what he deserves!!!!! He still deserves more though!!!!!!

2005-09-19 [The Reject]: just wait till Taboo Tuesday

2005-09-20 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: why?????????

2005-09-20 [The Reject]: b/c Angle will face Cena but i kinda like Cena now but i still like Angle more!

2005-09-20 [tears of blood]: i LOVE Cena and HATE Angle with a passion

2005-09-20 [The Reject]: Angle Rulez!

2005-09-21 [tears of blood]: really well i cant wait for john cena to kick bishoff's ass october 3rd

2005-09-21 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: OMG i know Eric Deserves it!!!!!!! No one likes him!!!!

2005-09-21 [The Reject]: lol

2005-09-21 [tears of blood]: hell ya and i cant wait to watch cena beat the living hell out of him

2005-09-21 [The Reject]: lol

2005-09-21 [tears of blood]: well its the honest truth

2005-09-22 [The Reject]: yea

2005-09-23 [Dirtydawg™]: Think he'll bleed? or someone like Kurt my interfere

2005-09-23 [The Reject]: who'll bleed?

2005-09-24 [tears of blood]: if kurt interferes ill go and kill the bald bitch and bishoff will bleed by the time cenas through with him

2005-09-26 [Dirtydawg™]: i cant wait till next Monday

2005-09-26 [tears of blood]: either can i its gonna be a bitch if ya miss it!

2005-09-26 [The Reject]: lol

2005-09-26 [tears of blood]: its true

2005-09-29 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: it's gonna be the best monday since like...ever!!!!!

2005-09-29 [tears of blood]: i kno its gonna rock and i cant wait to see john cena beat the living hell out of eric bishoff

2005-09-30 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-09-30 [tears of blood]: hell ya ya gotta kno hes gonna receive one hell of a beat down thats how we do it in the streets

2005-10-02 [The Reject]: wat's up peeps?

2005-10-02 [tears of blood]: nuttin u?

2005-10-02 [The Reject]: just sittin here did u c TNA iMPACT last night?!?

2005-10-03 [♥. SAM .♥]: bishoff jus needs 2 run for his life now cuz come tomorrow night cena is jus gonna tear him 2 pieces N omg i cant wait to c it!!

2005-10-03 [The Reject]: me either but i just wanna c Matt destroy Edge!

2005-10-03 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: Edge is a fucking sell out!!!!

2005-10-03 [The Reject]: i HATE Edge!!!

2005-10-03 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: my brothers x-girlfriend is IN LOVE with him

2005-10-03 [The Reject]: well she is crazy!

2005-10-04 [♥. SAM .♥]: me 2 .. idk tho..who do u think is gonna leave!?! edge of matt??

2005-10-04 [Dirtydawg™]: HOMECOMING WAS AWSOME... exept for the Ladder match... that BITCH Lita

2005-10-04 [tears of blood]: im gonna kill that ho

2005-10-04 [tears of blood]: matt lost because of that bitch lita

2005-10-04 [Dirtydawg™]: no shit

2005-10-04 [tears of blood]: no shit urself

2005-10-05 [Dirtydawg™]: watch it... your talking to the Prez. creater and owner of the Chain gang of elfpack

2005-10-05 [Dirtydawg™]: and i wasent trying to be mean... i was aggreeing with you

2005-10-05 [♥. SAM .♥]: anyways!! now kane is gonna come back *n* go straight for edge agen..

2005-10-06 [The Reject]: yea but RAW ain't gonna b the same without Matt

2005-10-06 [tears of blood]: i kno but he'll make his way back like before

2005-10-07 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: Do ya'll think he will go to Smackdown (the never said Loser leaves WWE, they just said RAW) or TNA?????????? I think Smackdown......

2005-10-07 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: Just so you guys now some punks are trying to make everyone think Batisa and John Cena are on myspace

2005-10-07 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: John Cena: and if you read this one its

2005-10-07 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: *so not cena!!!!!!

2005-10-09 [♥. SAM .♥]: uMm we r'nt that dumb..that aint cena..

2005-10-09 [tears of blood]: hell probley go to smackdown

2005-10-09 [tears of blood]: so obviously not cena just like [wwesuperstar] he claims to be john cena 

2005-10-09 [Dirtydawg™]: i'm more cena then he his

2005-10-09 [♥. SAM .♥]: yea cuz hes single easy and available..not married

2005-10-09 [tears of blood]: i kno and god what an idiot wwe dude is

2005-10-11 [♥. SAM .♥]: lol..yupp..i cant believe they fired jr WTF!! thats messed up!! cena was looking extra fine last night tho**lol** hes soo f*in sexxy!! who do u think he'll face next for the title?!

2005-10-12 [Dirtydawg™]: probly kurt....i wanted HBK to get a shot, he didnt even need to win... i just think it would be a good...GREAT match

2005-10-12 [♥. SAM .♥]: yeah me 2

2005-10-12 [tears of blood]: ya and i think itll probley be HBK next and ya cena was looken mighty fine monday

2005-10-12 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: after monday is most likely Kurt

2005-10-13 [tears of blood]: ya probley

2005-10-15 [♥. SAM .♥]: i think triple h is gonna attack cena after cenas match monday

2005-10-15 [3D]: ppl cena will b champ 2 times the time the time that JBL had he lost it cuz he sucked but now cena's "TIME IS NOW!!!!"

2005-10-15 [tears of blood]: duh

2005-10-15 [♥. SAM .♥]: yeah.. i think cena is gonna b champ 4 a while*which is awesome cuz hes a kick ass chamP!!

2005-10-15 [tears of blood]: i kno and im so infatuated with him

2005-10-16 [♥. SAM .♥]: y

2005-10-16 [tears of blood]: hes hott and hes strong y not?

2005-10-16 [♥. SAM .♥]: oo nvm i thought u meant u dont want him 2 b champ bad

2005-10-16 [tears of blood]: oh lol no i meant i like him

2005-10-17 [The Reject]: wat's up peeps?

2005-10-18 [♥. SAM .♥]: ooo okay!! lol my bad!! anyways!! who do u think is gonna be in the triple threat match

2005-10-18 [tears of blood]: well its kane!!!!!!!!! but bad for cena cause Kane is back he real Kane from hell

2005-10-19 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: ok guys, i'm scared now!!!!!!!

2005-10-19 [tears of blood]: y ? come on hes going agains the big show kane and HBK shawn michaels at the same time im sure the first person big show will want to get rid of is kane

2005-10-20 [♥. SAM .♥]: nah....cena will keep his title..he is to good of a champ..he will be champ for a whiLe!!

2005-10-20 [tears of blood]: i kno but kane is huge and cena looked woried when kane won

2005-10-20 [♥. SAM .♥]: he didnt look worried he looked like u want some come get some..he wont lose

2005-10-22 [tears of blood]: i kno but still kanes backthe real kane not the lover softy one but cena WILL come through

2005-10-22 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: hell yeah he is

2005-10-22 [♥. SAM .♥]: yea but how do we even kno it will b kane in the match anyways?!? soo yea but cena will pull thro N make iT!! but did u c bishoff has cena N angle monday night N foley as the special refree..yupp thats gonna b good!!

2005-10-23 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: OMG that is going to be awesome!!!!!!!

2005-10-23 [♥. SAM .♥]: yeah iM excited for it!! do u guys think cena will keep his title @ taboo tuesday?!

2005-10-25 [tears of blood]: hell ya do u think chris masters and edge will win agaist the smackdown people?

2005-10-26 [♥. SAM .♥]: rely depends on who they face from smackdown..who did u vote for?!? OMG!! cena got screwed monday!! that pissed me off..he didnt even freakin tap!

2005-10-26 [tears of blood]: i kno i swear to God i will kill Eric Bishoff

2005-10-26 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: you wanna kill him together Maci? Kurt Angle also?

2005-10-27 [♥. SAM .♥]: yea i wanna kill em both 2..assholEs!!! idk who i hate more

2005-10-27 [tears of blood]: hell ya id tag murder with anyone

2005-10-28 [♥. SAM .♥]: yupp lol* well w/e they can do what ever they wanna do cuz he wont lose the title @ taboo tuesday so yupp!!

2005-10-28 [tears of blood]: i kno but still i want revenge on bishoff

2005-10-28 [nomad818]: John Cena will win at Taboo tuseday

2005-10-28 [tears of blood]: i kno its gonna be great when cena kicks all of their asses he would have won monday if tht bitch carlito didnt comne start shit with mick foley

2005-10-28 [♥. SAM .♥]: *yeah me 2* oo yea he will forsure keep his title @ tabOo TuEsDaY so bishoff N angle can fuck off N kiss cenas ass!! cena got screwed monday night..that was a bunch of bullshit!! did that piss any1 else off

2005-10-28 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: I think every chain gang soldier was/is pissed behond belief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-10-28 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: psst, hey guys I have a secret. A friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend, told me that Angle and Bishoff share a hotel foom and they fuck eachother in the ass and give each other blow jobs. lol just playin

2005-10-28 [♥. SAM .♥]: yeah i kno i was* hmm if only that was prolly is 2 *

2005-10-30 [tears of blood]: i bet they are lovers "wouldnt suprise me " they hug alot ...if ya think about it

2005-10-30 [♥. SAM .♥]: ..thats true. lol..they prolly r but wutever..i cant wait till raw 2morrow!!

2005-10-30 [tears of blood]: either can i i hope cena beats the fuck out of kurt angle

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